photo album ware are you?


Active Member
where is photo album to post pictures? how to post pictures says click photo album at top of page. dont see that anywhere.


Active Member
dont know how to post pictures. says start at photo album cant find it. have a picture of a hound dog. cant figure out how to post it.


Active Member
you guys just know too much about computers. dont even know how you put that B.A. arrow on that page. anyways thanks. who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks. just takes longer?


Active Member
I thought he was your brother in law 8ball. yea my spelling sucks. I use to spell all most anything. dont know what happened. getting older and stupider I guess. hay I can still spell my name. I dont use the spell check as you can tell.


Active Member
my next major step learning to put the picture on the post. have a picture to show you GTO. the airbag on a mini. let me see if I can get this right.
Click on "manage attachments" below when replying or making a post then hit "browse" , click the pic you want then "upload" wait for it to attach (in red letters) then submit reply. :thumbsup: