Pipe trike death trap.

I think its cool to see how people build stuff like that without a welder. Its alot more difficult to build and make it work. Granted thats a simple design and drift trikes all are but still. Someday id like to build a mini or something without using the welder. Itll sure take me back to my youth when all we had was a drill and a dull sawzall.
Relax, Rollin. The "Rat Rod" mentality has made it into the minibike world. I suggest that was built intentionally with the visual shock value in the builder's head. The rat rod mentality is slowly fading out of the old car scene, and it will go away in the minibike crowd, too.
I applaud his "creativity" at using bit and pieces of what's on hand, but like some rat rods I've seen, one would be worried about driving it down a back alley, let alone out in traffic, and pipe is notoriously soft.

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I would certainly hesitate to ride it without a thorough inspection, looks sketchy but it might be more structurally sound than it appears. Ain't but one way to find out, better him than me.


Active Member
I'd rip it. Don't think it would get enough traction to get moving to fast. I always wear gloves and a full face when I'm behind bars.