Simple Throttle Question

Hi guys .. im working on my first ever mini bike build. Im restoring an old B&S and have a simple twist grip question . I bought a throttle cable ( bicycle cable) and put the one end in the twist grip but there is nothing to screw into the grip itself , so the cable housing just moves freely .. Is there a way around this besides bying a actual throttle cable instead of a bicycle cable ( or are they the same thing ) ... sorry about my lack of knowledge and I hope that makes sense .
If you are happy with the throttle grips you have, just buy the cable. $3 Grips are about $9 on up. Bike cables are thinner than mini cables anyway.

The cables come with a barrel end and a ball end on the other side, you cut the one you don't want off. The barrel fits in the grip housing. (see the cut out?)

If you need something NOW use a brake lever for a throttle.

And always use plenty of throttle return spring.