Simplex spitfire

I am a Cushman guy who came across a Simplex Spitfire, for which I can find little information. I am restoring the mini for my Granddaughter and am 99 % finished but can not find the decals for the tank which have the word Spitfire on the clutch side and the tank decals which are round with the word simplex across a guy with a checkered flag. I ran across an old Ebay listing for the decals but am now at a dead end. I am led to understand that the seller may be a member of Oldminibikes. Any information is appreciated. Richard Kesselus, or cell 512 431 2940. I am a lot better at restoring than I am with this computer.


Well-Known Member
Pics for info.
Just kidding. Welcome to the fun. Stick around after you find your decals. Good stuff here and am sure you could offer up some good input.