sprocket size help


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be moving forward on a small frame lil indian bike and am looking for some suggestions for gearing. I plan to use the 6" wheels on it I can only squeeze the smaller 6" tires on and I think they are about 12" overall:shrug: I'm limited to a 60 tooth in the rear because of the disk brake. There will be no jackshaft. I plan to use an HS50 which I am putting an HS40 aluminum flywheel on and converting over to the old style shrouding, and a few other things so it should pull a little more power/rpm than stock 5hp but no $$ mods.

Any suggestions for a front sprocket? I wanna get optimum out of it, say for an 1/8 mile run :wink: Gearing is something I never mess with, I never venture to far past stock stuff:doah: I'm gonna need some help for some upcoming Bonanza's too:crying: