I picked up a new TAV about a year from OldMiniBikes warehouse. They were pretty cheap so I grabbed one and it sat for about 1 year before I got around to using it. I put it on a few weeks ago and noticed right away the the driven unit has a slight wobble in it. At first I suspected the 3/4 jackshaft (since I've bent a couple of those before on other bikes I own... but it was not bent (jachshaft on the TAV). I took the driven unit off and just for kicks spun it on a new 3/4 jackshaft I had in the tool box. The driven unit is clearly wobbling. It appears to be causing issues with the belt also, little fine black belt dust is all over the backplate after riding for only a few minutes. Just curious if anyone else has had this issue or know of a good way to correct the wobble beside buying a new driven? I know they are the ones made from China but I still expected that they would be true.