The return of aplyedmind

After much time away I am returning. I gave up Mini bikes due to this thread that was made about me , Divorce , Health and other reasons but I am back.

I finally went over to Terry Nash's to deal with the "Broken motor" , that wasn't actually broken, Took me almost a year to even wanna see the dam thing again. Terry did a full dissemble , Leak down test, compression test the works. To find out that the motor is mechanically fine. I explained to him the full story behind the things that were said here and he commented the internet is the devil lol. He did assure me after adjusting the carb The motor should run fine.

Any way I'm over all that stuff it was the past and i look forward to a better future Here with my OldMiniBikes friends. Thanks to all u that stood by my side. Stayed outta the matter ,Since no one really new the whole story anyways.

I will be around every day again as I'm getting all my projects going again to keep my mind off divorce(since my wife banned me from here) Now she not around to tell me what to do any more :laugh:.

I will become a supporting member again , I will offer all my help I can to other members, For future deals with OldMiniBikes members I will not accept gifts on pay pal so if u have a problem u have a choice to dispute it if needed (Please tell me the issues if any tho before that so we can fix them ). I doubt we will have any problems.

Point of the thread is I'm back and here to stay . So lets all just get along and enjoy our mini's together , I look forward to a better future here with My OldMiniBikes family :thumbsup:
Sounds like it was the wife who should have been shipped off originally, of course then the buyer may have had a legitimate complaint. :thumbsup:

Welcome back
Wanna buy a Cat? See TRK'S thread.:laugh:

Welcome back.:thumbsup:
Yea I saw it but not my kinda cat :laugh:
Glad to see you back :thumbsup:
Thanks old timer
Bad stuff happens to all of us.
Sure does man but when it rains it pours.
welcome back!
we all seem to laugh and cry together so the more the merrier!
Thanks jbrewton
Good to see you back, Mark! :thumbsup:
Long time scott good to hear from u man thanks.
Sounds like it was the wife who should have been shipped off originally, of course then the buyer may have had a legitimate complaint. :thumbsup:

Welcome back
Yea I would deff ship her out with no insurance or return address lol :laugh:
Hello again stranger.....remember that Pinto I got from you?

Bike looks amazing went to a good home i see.

Why does your profile still say "I have a wife I love tons"????:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Cause Its refering to my cars and mini bikes , My many wives haha:thumbsup:

I don't know you but hell welcome back . I know exactly what you mean about sh-t on this site , it happens . :thumbsup:
Thanks dave
What's up Mark! Good to see you back.
Hey bud hows the sling shot treating ya . Good to hear from u again.
Welcome back. Every one of us has stuff to deal with. Glad to hear things are looking up for you.
Dave just got done looking at your goodies look awesome all those cats of yours .
Don't Care....... ( Private Joke)

Hope you'll be making it to my Minibike Yardsale in January.
I'll have a few good deals for you. Welcome Back.
Mac I will be there , Show me the deals now :rolleyes:, U know i love deals :biggrin: