Throttle Connections and Linkages

I Would like to start a throttle connection picture thread of good and simple ways to connect your throttle cable to your engine.
Kits that are completely hooked up are encouraged here.

Please post pictures or links
Try to show return spring locations
Try to get good pictures of and brackets or connectors.
List your engine size,brand and you may want to list the kit (or parts) name and where you can purchase it. (links are good)

A picture is worth a thousand words so use as many as you need to show how you connected your throttle cable. please try not to leave just comments if you can; would be great to have a post with a lot of pictures.
However people are going to have questions and thats fine.

Thank you for the pictures in advance so that i dont take up space with responses.
Thanks everyone!!!
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Briggs intek. Can't see it but added a return spring under the tank. Loosened the throttle bolt. Made a bracket and used a bicycle adjusting nut and a barrel nut. Works like a champ


Active Member
can someone post a good pic of a 2 or 2 1/2 vacujet throttle hook up? i have seen a few partial pics, but i am missing some linkage. thanks
Here's a pic for a 3hp B&S with a Vacu-jet carb. Not that anybody will probably need to see a pciture, but this in the linkage to a 6.5hp clone. Linkage to the 5.5hp BSE on a '72 Moto Skeeter 650. And the last pic it linkage on a 3hp B&S with the Huayi carb from the 2.8hp Doodle bug G100 clone engines.
