Found my pictures.
This is a very low tech and cheap solution to the " I want a bigger easier to tune carb problem "
A couple of years back I decided to try and drill my own carbs and rework the venturi.
This is what I ended up building.
It's actualy a Tecumseh series 5 carb body.
You do not have to go to this much trouble however.
Take one off a large snow blower ( this one is a off a 358cc unit ) and it will bolt to an aftermarket Tillotson intake manifold for clones.
The old style Tillotson air filter adaptor will also fit on it ( you must do a little tweaking to match the carb throat to the air filter for best flow.
It is not in the same class as a Tillotson racing carb, it will not have the fast snap of the throttle response or let you run as large a venturi.
It also will not slobber fuel.
It will tune out to a mildly modified engine.
It can idle clean.
I will provide excellent low end performance and give you more head room at the top.
The primer makes it easy to start too ( no choke required ).
And its cheap to free with the option of going to the Tillotsons later.
Looking at Ole4s picture.
I am reminded of something EC birt told me once when he saw an unusual mount like that.
He said something to the effect the carb might go dry in the metering chamber under certain conditions unless its mounted upsidedown as God intended.
He was right and it took me a long time to understand how this worked and why.