I believe in property rights and the need to protect what yours.
But there's a large numbers of have nots that don't. They have no voice and are not yet anywhere near ready to get off the chesterfield and do something.
Midle aged guys ( like me ) with a family don't generaly cause trouble. But as things become more stressful people forget they are fathers and husbands ( or wives ) and do stupid things. The younger you are the less it takes to push you over the edge to stupid though.
Critical mass, when enough people have abandoned hope and take to the streets.
We saw how something as simple as the OJ simpson trial provoked so many young black men into the streets.
Not so much the older married wife kids and job types though....
Just food for thought as all those young people and disinchanted people in the midle east turf out the bums ( dictators ) in favour of elected officials and jobs.
What is the trigger between a single act of violence and one that gets the angery masses off the asses?
We of course are lucky the overwhelming majority of us have good jobs, a growing standard of living, feel at ease about the future and our retirement and of course trust the people we elected to run good sound goverment.