Torque converter questions

I have two questions. Firstly on the first image, i had to use some OldMiniBikes 3/4 shaft spacers to space out the torque converter enough so the belt is aligned properly. Is it okay to be spaced out this much? Secondly, what is all this eraser like- shavings that are all over the torque converter?? is this something to worry about or is it okay? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
If you needed the "spacers" to get the best pully alignment possible then you are good to go.

Are you getting belt dust? Ride for a while then clean it off. Should be good to go. All my belt dust was from when the torque converter was brand new but didn't continue happening.


Well-Known Member
Should the spacer be behind the driver?
Yes. The spacers go onto the crankshaft then the fixed sheave goes on. I don't use the keyed washer next to the sprocket in the driven so one less spacer (large washer) is needed for the driver. Only thing with that is I have to keep up with the chain adjustment. Chain strikes are more likely without the keyed washer.

I think the initial belt dust comes from the movable sheave biting into a small section of the cogged part of the belt.
If you needed the "spacers" to get the best pully alignment possible then you are good to go.

Are you getting belt dust? Ride for a while then clean it off. Should be good to go. All my belt dust was from when the torque converter was brand new but didn't continue happening.
okay cool i believe it may be that then! wanted to make sure it wasn’t something major
Yes. The spacers go onto the crankshaft then the fixed sheave goes on. I don't use the keyed washer next to the sprocket in the driven so one less spacer (large washer) is needed for the driver. Only thing with that is I have to keep up with the chain adjustment. Chain strikes are more likely without the keyed washer.

I think the initial belt dust comes from the movable sheave biting into a small section of the cogged part of the belt.
is mine on incorrectly then?