I don't recall how much the Silver Shadow was back then, but the Volcano was around $549 or so, which was a ALOT of money back in 1971...so probably not too many 'kids' riding them...having said that, the 80cc 2 stroke moto x bikes are pretty darn fast and are ridden by 10 year olds quite a bit...Nonetheless, my Volcano is def. good for 65-70mph and it's very tourqey with the 185cc engine, but they are very docile engines, whereas I think the Sachs was a lot more high revving, like a 'true' 2 stroke. (here's a pic of my Volcano)
I think the Silver Shadow is one of the coolest mini's EVER made...What a beast! To think you have several...WOW. Great resto job as well. I appreciate people who are willing to do it right, because it isn't cheap!! Well done!!! Top shelf.
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