I saw a lady walk up to the counter one time with a dress in her hands....it was still in the dry cleaning bag. The lady at the counter says "you'll have to put that in a box or something with a label to mail it".. This idiot was acting like it was news to them...like they could just hand the lady the dress and tell her where it had to go and it would magically get there. Unbelievable.
SOme people actualy have no idea.
I want you to think about it for a moment...
We had a culture of mailing things many years ago.
People wrote letters, sent parcels with sweaters and fruit cake.
People bought things from eatons or sears.
That changed with cheap long distance dept stores and email ( most recently )......
I bet there are people here on this board who have never written a letter and posted it ( couldnot even say what side to put the stamp on ).
But that is changing in interesting ways.
We are starting to ship more an shop online.
The real question not yet adressed in this thread is simple.
Will shipping things in the future be more like it was i the past?
As the volume increases in E commerce we should hope to have something like the USPS there as a watch dog on costs and hidden fees.
There are big changes coming you know...
Allibaba wil become a force here too ( and likelly they will buy UPS or Fedex to control their own shipping ).
Do we really want this all to be in the hands of the free market?
No of we can keep the politicians hands off the postal system and let ti grow and change into a parcel service for all then the little guy will have a chance to compete with Ebay,Amazon and Allibaba.
And who knows????
Once day you may buy your groceries online and the mail man delivers a hamper at a preset time of day.
The Amazon drone could land in your front yard with the spare part to your house you just ordered.
We all could have an ebay store and ship everywhere at a flat rate.
And I still can see the potential of internet banking and services provided by the post office in making them a much more important part of our lives.
Yes the free market is great and it should have a place a long side maiil service.
But I want the option of a non profit opperation that has my interest first as its guiding goal there too.