Wanted..George Barris Super Stocker info

Wanted...George Barris Super Stocker info. I have been searching the web for awhile now..but come up with the same few pics. I have a brochure...but it doesn't give me a full shot of the details I need for a restore planned. And extra info or pics would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you have anything to help. Thanks:thumbsup:

Are any parts attainable for the Barris Super Stocker by Republic? In need of a few parts. Understand a needle in a haystack, but you never know. Thx.

Bayside NY

Are any parts attainable for the Barris Super Stocker by Republic? In need of a few parts. Understand a needle in a haystack, but you never know. Thx.

Bayside NY
Make your own post eh....:hammer: And good luck..parts are few and far between for these bikes.