Water jet and Laser questions???

I know LSCustoms has been cutting parts out of metal from some posts and discussions, are you using waterjet or laser? I have a buddy here in Ohio that is looking into this trying to figure out what would best suit him, what would you recommend? He will making brush guards, pipe bumpers, plate bumpers and doors for Razors and sxs along with everything in between.
Thanks for any and all help.


Active Member
From a guy that can program and operate a CNC plasma, my understanding is the laser is faster but more money. Hi Def Plasma is about the same price as laser, just as fast or faster and can cut thicker materials. A shop local to me has a Hi Def plasma that can cut 2-1/2" thick steel and can tilt the head for bevel compensation or tilt the head to bevel the metal for weld prep. It was 400k.
We used to have a water jet at work but it was only used to cut aluminum, depending on the speed and pressure (slower speed and high pressure was smoothest) the cut was pretty much as smooth as sandblasted aluminum.
My buddy is looking to find out prices it costs to cut stuff both ways and cost of equipment, software and maintenance of machines to figure out which one he should go with.