
  1. W

    What clutch do you recommend

    Want to put a new clutch on this home made rocket. What do you recommend. 3hp briggs.
  2. chopperbunch

    Please recommend a clutch for Hemi using 420 chain

    I am replacing my greyhound engine which has a TAV... for a brand new Predator 212 hemi. I just want to throw on a new clutch and continue to use the 420 chain that fits the rear sprocket. I considered using the old torque converter, but I was not sure if the built in key was compatible with...
  3. Jrturbo

    Paint the Sprocket?

    I'm in the process of restoring a Cat 250. I ordered the rear sprocket but its bare metal. Should I paint it? any specific rattle can paint? or different type? Thanks
  4. hemigremmy

    Water jet and Laser questions???

    I know LSCustoms has been cutting parts out of metal from some posts and discussions, are you using waterjet or laser? I have a buddy here in Ohio that is looking into this trying to figure out what would best suit him, what would you recommend? He will making brush guards, pipe bumpers, plate...
  5. T

    Can someone recommend me replacement forks (Powerdyne)

    I found some horrible welds on these forks, they cracked very easily. Can someone recommend me a replacement fork? It doesn't have to be Powerdyne nor do they have to have shocks/springs, I just want forks that will work on my Galaxie/Falcon with some strength, integrity. OldMiniBikes? eBay?
  6. S

    Recommend paint remover?

    How's it going OldMiniBikes just wondering of anyone knows of a great paint remover for a metal frame on a go kart. Need a strong chemical to remove the paint so I can have just the raw metal frame. All information is appreciated! Thanks.
  7. countstevula

    Recommend the best point and shoot camera...

    Looking for a new point and shoot digital camera. Touch screen would be nice, but not a deal breaker. Anyone have an affordable model to recommend?
  8. R

    Can anyone recommend an engine for my new project? JC Penny Maverick

    What would have been the engine that came with is? Anyone know?
  9. D

    Please recommend MiniBike Books for Beginners

    Hello all, new reader here, just getting started in Minibikes and am looking for some recommendations for good books on basic minibike repair and construction. I have done some searches and found different ones, but wanted to check with the "experts" to see what your "go-to" book is...
  10. OldMinibiker

    Recommend A 7/8 HP B&S?

    Hi Ya, Can you all recommend a 7 or 8 horse B&S engine for a mini bike.I realize I can just search online for one but I'm not sure what model(s)are appropriate for a mini bike.Also it needs to be a 3/4 shaft so that I can put my Comet torque converter on it.The comet is on my 5 hp Tecumseh...