You very seldom hear any discussion about these engines (much less ever see one in person), and it got me thinking...
Was the 4 HP Briggs used as original equipment on any minibikes or karts? Of course the use of the 3 HP and 5 Hp Briggs is legendary, but why not the 4 HP? My (preliminary) research is showing that they came on some of the Cat 400 minibikes. Does anybody know any other minis they came on?
Was the 4 HP Briggs used as original equipment on any minibikes or karts? Of course the use of the 3 HP and 5 Hp Briggs is legendary, but why not the 4 HP? My (preliminary) research is showing that they came on some of the Cat 400 minibikes. Does anybody know any other minis they came on?
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