Windber, How much money does it cost you guys for the weekend?

The friendliness and compassion shown here for a complete stranger is stellar. I feel as if I'm around friends even though I've come across as a jerk asking the questions I have and saying some of things I have. I apologize to anyone I may have offended in my discussions about Windber. I asked about the money aspect then got sidetracked into posting negative aspects about a place I have never been. Yet everyone here stayed kind and explained why I should go.
On other forums I would probably have been told to take a flying leap and go away. I'm very thankful that didn't happen here.
Thank you for your incite and positive comments.
I do "want" to go. There is more to the decision than living close. I really do have things to do around my home. I have a commitment the weekend before Windber that can also effect if I can go or not.
It is simply to early to tell. This year "life" is getting in the way of many of the things I want to do. A lot of it is far beyond my control.

I'm checking into a back up plan to transport the Hilltopper to Windber for the buyer in case I can't take it there myself.
So the answer is... I don't know if I'm going yet or not.
I need a plan B if I don't go though.

Thank you for your support and kindness.
