considering you're from North Carolina, I have my doubts that you would be travelling across the states to buy a bike, frame or even just parts for that matter. I also wouldn't be shipping a full bike anyways let alone a frame. If you expand your searches to various sources of online selling, you'll tend to have more possibility of finding deals, barn finds, etc. Can stick do disliking Facebook all you want, pretty used to it being a common trend among boomers and those of anti social media as a whole. I suppose when and if I do end up selling whatever I have as far as bikes go, I'll just do the standard asking an arm and a leg procedure that's common amongst all re sales of used obsolete objects like cars, bikes, guns, antiques, etc. common get rich scheme amongst today's society. Of course it's evident that I got a fairly late start to this site in general, so I suppose even if I see an ad on here that was from even 20 years ago, I'll still reply to it just because.