
  1. J

    New to the forum, and need a mini...

    Hello, great forum you all have here! After browsing for a few weeks I decided to join the party...:scooter: Like most of us I loved minis as a kid, we used to have so much fun cruising the whole neighborhood and learning how to tinker on motors and such. Now that Im a father I get to...
  2. Boomstick

    Not quite a mini...

    Not quite a minibike (this is an old photo), but hey, 42mph max top speed, & street legal in CT without reg or insurance... you only need a driver's license. I pulled an average of 110mpg when cruising at 28mph. I had just under 4000 miles on this engine before the bearings finally ate...
  3. A

    The Snow Baja Mini...

    Just a quick mission statement here. I'll be building an ice - snow going Baja Mini. The idea is to take a stock Baja Mini and be able to ride it in deep snow and ice like a snowmobile. I'll be modifying the engine, adding a ski, possibly adding a track drive ... who knows!
  4. Beal

    From PA, with Baja Heat mini...

    So, Im in central PA(anybody else?) and recently I nabbed a Baja Heat and parts bike, all for $75... I thought thats was pretty ding dong good deal... Its pretty fun, Ive lost it a few times, but Ive got used to it... Its fun. :laugh: I got a 11hp e-start B&S flathead I want to put...
  5. B

    Weird mini...

    I saved this mini bike from the scrap yard (literally) and would very much like to do a restoration on it, but am curious about availability of parts...
  6. O

    Sears Mini...

    This is my next project. Given by a friend who's son ran the engine out of oil. Broke rod..It is the one with springs. pivot point..and jackshaft..(?)..Therein lies my question..The clutch..and I'm assuming it came off the original engine.. has 2 12 tooth sprockets..and 2 chains..BUT..the...
  7. B

    Free mini... What is it?

    what is it? Also when was it made? I also have more pictures if needed.... thanks
  8. H

    did some work on my mini...

    picked this up cheap recently, no front wheel, motor didnt run, seat support broken, etc etc. well... a new seat, some used shocks, welded a couple brackets, new wheel and tire and some engine maintenance and here it is. Just needs paint. i like it, but i tried to fit a 5 HP on there and...
  9. F

    Mystery Mini...

    New member here with a mystery bike I picked up last week. I'm mainly a Honda Z50a guy but I can't figure this one out. I'm guessing it's a kit bike. The welding looks like it was stick welded and not very good in some places. It uses Simpson Strong Tie base plates for the scrub brake...
  10. G

    picked up a Cheeftah mini...

    Hi, Thought I would share my latest little project. Picked up this minibike at an auction last weekend for $40. It says Cheeftah 1300 on the front, but after looking at the specs on this site, I don't think that is what it really is. (Frame is not bolt-together). Apparently someone added...
  11. millers1

    Need info - JC Penny's Mini...

    It was '72 or '73. I got my first mini-bike from the JC Penny Auto Center, at the King of Prussia shopping center, in Pennsylvania. This mini started my addiction with motorcycles. I'd like to find one and restore it, but I can't seem to scare up much info. on model name, etc.. I...