picked up a Cheeftah mini...


Thought I would share my latest little project. Picked up this minibike at an auction last weekend for $40. It says Cheeftah 1300 on the front, but after looking at the specs on this site, I don't think that is what it really is. (Frame is not bolt-together). Apparently someone added the sissy bar, welded chain, extended forks, and lovely gold paint.

The rims should clean up nice, they are aluminum and in great shape. The only thing I had to do was put the brake on correctly (it was backwards), fix the throttle cable, clean the water out of the gas tank and oil, and press in a new $2 bushing on the clutch. It starts on the first pull and runs great! Surprising how much the little 3 1/2 hp engine puts out, it really flys on the road and goes up hills pretty good too.

I spent 2 1/2 hours riding it in the cold last night and felt like a little kid again!

Here's a couple pics
No other pics at work, but I can take some tonight and post. What part of the frame should I focus on? There's been a bit of welding on the neck, but no bolts that I could find. Front fender is steel, but rear is plastic, and the rear fender mount looks like it was cut off and rewelded back on at an angle to clear something. On/off switch looks original and is mounted between the two top tubes. Engine is not original, it's a newer Briggs with the torx screws holding the carb together. The output shaft is really short too, I first put a new clutch on but it doesn't engage the keyway so it wouldn't work, that's why i pressed out the bushing on the old, it has a key way in on end and a stamped key in the other. I added a piece of key and spacer inside the clutch and put in a longer fine thread bolt to hold it all together. For a clutch with a worn out bushing, it really didn't seem to be worn anywhere else. Engages quick and tight with no noise.
more pics to help ID frame

Here are some pics I snapped last night. May help id the frame. I can tell the forks have been chopped and lengthened, so the frt end is definately the Cheeftah, but the frame is anyones guess.

Rode around for another hour last night, when I am on pavement and hit 20mph the chain keeps coming off. It seems to be lined up right, and I keep tightening it, but at high speed it comes off.


Well-Known Member
nice! Man that thing is:

I don't like the chain grab bar but I have to say I'm diggin' the rake and sissy bar.

Might look at the chain and sprockets themselves, when the get really worn they start throwing the chain off
My guess is it is a Cheeftah. They where made by Lomart. Here is a photo of one, but somewhere if I can find it I have a photo of another with a hardtail like yours. Neat bike and you sure did get a good deal. There rather obscure and they don't come up all that often, Welcome to OldMiniBikes.com and thanks for sharing your vintage bike with us! If I can find the other ad I'll post it for you, but I'm sure it's the same bike. Minus the mods of course.
Yeah, I thought the frame looked Bonansa-ish.

Looked like it was a nice stock bike before someone got happy with the welder. :doah: Still, looks like a neat little cruiser, might be wheelie happy though. Have you ridden it yet?


Active Member
Be sure to look over at minidoodle.com to see if you see one similar to your's. I think the Cheftah's had some pretty racy ad's . I like it !
As far as it's tendencies to throw the chain go . Put it up on some kinda block and spin the rear wheel . The sprocket could be bent or the chain could be stiff . Sometimes the chain will have a sticky link or two that cause it to jump on the sprocket . Lube it up !
Cheeftah 1300 Scrambler frame/forks bought.

I just purchased a frame and forks for a Cheefta 1300 Scrambler on ebay. Looks like you photo, but rigid out back. I'll do a complete restore, it has a nice brand name plate in front. I have an old but stout Kohler 4hp that will go on it. Looks like a very cool mini bike to me.