
  1. RustyLions

    NJ Powder Coating Cost

    When you're in need of a professional powder coating expert, look no further than Rusty Lions. NJ residents call on us to complete their projects at affordable powder coating costs. We've been a fast and reliable provider of powder-coating solutions for more than 20 years now. We've helped...
  2. Sixpac440

    How to remove old paint without sandblasting?

    Is there a spray on rinse off product? I will sandblast later ... just want it cleaned up a bit as I work on the bike ...
  3. Sixpac440

    De-rusted Chrome .. How to keep rust off?

    I have some chrome forks that had VERY bad surface rust on the chrome. I used Naval Jelly, #3 Steel Wool and elbow grease and it looks very respectable. I thought it would need sandblasting and paint. What can I do to keep the rust from coming back? Chrome Polish? Clear Coat...
  4. Clayon

    Sandblasting Engine Blocks?

    What do you guys do to protect the cylinder whey you get engine blocks sandblasted? or do you leave the motor generally all assembled? :shrug: Thanks. :thumbsup:
  5. M

    Sandblasting & Powdercoat Quote FAIR?

    Just got a quote of $450.00 to have 2 frames, 2 fenders, 2 handlebar/fork assemblies blasted and powder coated {same color on both}. Is that a fair price? Thanks in advance...
  6. D

    Can anything be done about sandblasted alloy rims?

    Well, I'm sick. I took the aluminum rims on the Sensation I bought and had them sandblasted. Couldn't find a bead blasting place for a small job. They said they use fine sand. Ha. The rims came back looking like they were covered in gray sandpaper. I spent a long time, sanding them with...
  7. waltsuz

    Sandblasting better choice??

    How much improvement over a syphon feed blaster is the pressure pot system. I have a syphon system similiar to the 1st picture and hate it. I am thinking about the pressure system HF has on sale. Is it a lot better/faster than the slow going syphon one????? experienced opinion??? ps: I have a...
  8. Mac

    Sandblasting Gone Terribly Wrong....

    Apparently someone thought because sand is an ingredient in cement it would work to blast cement at a Rupp Turbine. ....Now I'm wondering if I should have the opposite side done to balance the wheel.