18 years ago today...

Austin T : Well Happy Birthday to you !! 18 yea what a far but fond memory, I spent my 18 birthday in Okinawa, Japan and I was in the Navy on the USS Kitty Hawk CVA 63 only about 5,000 men aboard and damn not even a cake for me LOL.
Just another day.
It's a doorway of responsibility that you have now entered and can't go back so make the best of your time, look for all the good fun and you have a mechanical interest so make it work for you . Only the best for you . Steve :scooter:

Austin T : Well Happy Birthday to you !! 18 yea what a far but fond memory, I spent my 18 birthday in Okinawa, Japan and I was in the Navy on the USS Kitty Hawk CVA 63 only about 5,000 men aboard and damn not even a cake for me LOL.
Just another day.
It's a doorway of responsibility that you have now entered and can't go back so make the best of your time, look for all the good fun and you have a mechanical interest so make it work for you . Only the best for you . Steve :scooter:
when I was 18 I was driving right down the GAZA strip. with the good ole U.S.M.C. glad to be home from there. can you say oooh ra devil dog. anyway Happy Birthday.
18 years ago Today! I turn 21. And know I Have mortgage, no job and bills that are pilling up. God I love being grown up. But I can buy Booze legal. Happy B day.
Let me give you some pieces of advice. I would change if I were only 18 again today!

Keep you cock in your pants unless you want to pee.
Do not ever marry and have children. It is a million dollar investment and you cannot ever win any battles.
If you do marry, find the stupidest female. Who cannot remember her own name or yours. Possibly, a mute and deaf chick.
Without females in this world, men would run the country with guns, bombs, knives and and never would a female turn a rubber inside out and cost you a million dollars, when all you wanted is a piece of ass..?

Welcone to adulthood. Use are in for some major surprises, changes, encounter's you hate to admit and you will invaribly die young, if you do not take my advice. I am 50...

Bang. Dispose. Never give your number. Never let them see you place. Get an education. Stay happy and live single for 85 more years... NO Joke Son! I have the balls to back up what I say!


Happy Birfday