1970 Briggs 5 hp coil replacement question?


Active Member
Hi Guys... I have a 1970 Briggs 5 hp serial number 130202 0307-01 7001297. On the original parts list it has the part number for the original coil as 298316.

Poking around the site you guys talk about a Magnetron coil part number 397358 being used on these engines and eliminating the need for points and condenser! Sounds good to me.. I go onto evilbay and see many with this part number ranging from around $18-50.

My question is are ALL coils with part number 397358 for pointless use? Are they all pretty much the same regardless of price or should I only get one that's listed as Magnetron 397358?? I know you guys know the best or hot setup on Briggs better than I do..

Sounds like all I need to do is clean up my flywheel real good, mount the new coil, set the air gap, snip the wire from the existing points to the old coil and that's that?

Let me know if I have my numbers right and if what I am thinking makes sense !! :eek:ut:



Active Member
yup your on the right track.....397358 is the magnetron module. when i looked up your model number it superceeded to the magnetron part number. the point coil is 298316.
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Active Member
yup your on the right track.....397358 is the magnetron module. when i looked up your model number it superceeded to the magnetron part number. the point coil is 298316.

Thanks.. But is the only 397358 coil I should use be labeled and sold as a Magnetron? Is that a brand name or a name of the type of Ignition itself that Briggs calls it?


Active Member

Thanks 125, I was more trying to see if one 397358 solid state coil was "hotter" or better than another from people's experience..
There are some visual differences I see in some of them on evilbay..

I see now from poking around that the word Magnetron is the name Briggs gave their solid state ignition systems opposed to a specific brand I should be looking for. Useful Briggs link for sure even though I've had the theory and testing part covered for over 40 years.