Another TACO on my plate


Active Member
Picked up the 67' Taco 44' today. It needs the usual work. Cut off the extra pegs, repair bent shock, (George 3 is that fixable?) Thanks Tacorider for the deal.
I guess they did build a billion and one of the 67-68 44s LOL. 25% of the total have some kind of crap welded on them. Idiots with welders. Cool find and very fixable, finish grind is the hard part so none of the original is removed. The shocks Do not freehand straighten them. Use v blocks in a press and you will not see the difference between that one and a new one. The fun has just begun
I guess they did build a billion and one of the 67-68 44s LOL. 25% of the total have some kind of crap welded on them. Idiots with welders. Cool find and very fixable, finish grind is the hard part so none of the original is removed. The shocks Do not freehand straighten them. Use v blocks in a press and you will not see the difference between that one and a new one. The fun has just begun
Thanks . I weld and fab in a small hollow metal door shop with a lathe, mill and press. You So Cal guys got the billion I got the one ! Lol