baja Warrior Factory Flaw/Defective engine tray

anyone who owns or has bought a Baja Warrior should immediately Clean the engine tray off,both top and bottom and look for Stress Cracks.

this so called tray is made of out Tinfoil,erm Tin,it is Not welded Fully all around the frame and should be replaced ASAP with something called Steel.

the other day,my boy was riding it up a steep hill,wayy out in the boonies,it ate a clutch,stripped the teeth right off of the drum,we threw an extra drum on it and got it home.
i was puzzled at first till i realized the secondary chain gear was bent out of alignment.
i couldnt figure out how it bent that huge pulley stand.
when i got that motor off today,i saw how bad it really was.
the Only part that was still attached was the part on the bottom side,you can see where i had to sawzall it off....two welds left...that was it.

the Entire tray area is Garbage,definitely not designed to take stress for a long period of time.
its designed to fail,not to survive,esp with a 6.5 horse motor pulling on it.
( in my opinion )
just looking at How they setup the tab! for the shaft stand is ridiculous..
that chain could just as easily whacked my kids leg,instead of chewing off those teeth.
esp with the plastic! clutch cover....:eek:ut:

again,i know a few of you guys just bought these types to ride at the show,so Check it out! Be Safe!

heres the pics,hope yours doesnt look the same!



Active Member
wow thats tore up.
was the engine mount bolts loose, or is it vibrating alot?
when i hoppd up mine i welded in 3/16 by 1-1/2 straps across the bottom of the mont plate.
you should be able to put a new mount plate on it fairly easy.
no,it wasnt loose at All,it literally torqued its way off the frame.
twisted the tab that holds the jackshaft down and bent that too,from the chain pulling on it.
thats the thinnest motor mounting plate ive ever seen on a bike thats supposed to be ridden hard.
Mine tore and seperated as well. But there was a definite vibration before it caused any damage. So I welded the old mounting plate entirely around and put another plate on top of that and welded that all around also. Still an awesome bike:thumbsup:
yes, still an awesome bike. i have recommended this to a few members, as mine was cracked, but the rest of the bike looked fine. thank you for the good write-up and pictures to match.
totally agree,these big bikes are way cool...odd how the main structural tray is junk,yet the bike itself is sturdy and fairly well built...:shrug:
i paid 175 for my sons,and had it running same nite.
had the usual crap gas in it.

first thoughts i had to myself the next day watching him blaze around on it was,gee ,i wonder,can we do away with the jackshaft?? setup << is that what they call that?? >>and run the chain direct off the clutch and heyyyy will a 7-8 horse fit in there and what would That do,hopefully wheelies

hes slower than us for the moment,i have 2 Db-s ones a 5horse others a 4horse.
not that they are fast,just fun minis.
plus we havent revealed the whole governor thing to him yet..:evil_laughter:

anyone figured out their favorite gear ratios for this bike?
and im guessing? that the weakest point in the driveline is the stock And the aftermarket Tractor supply clutches?
anyone got a recc on clutches that wont cost a fortune but better materials than stock?
another warrior tip

heres another tip we noticed right off the bat.

the Factory Stock throttle linkage/cable housing line angles are All Wrong around the Tank area and into the actual linkage/throttle.
go look at yours and youll see what i mean,theres 2 sharp bends.
it will cause your accelerator line to fray and break and Stick in the housing as well,irking you severely as you attempt to slide to a stop.

take a breather,walk into the back yard,and bring a set of wire cutters with you.
find your kids old mountain bike you paid 300 bucks for and she/he never rode.
by now,its all rusty and youve given up all hope of that bike ever being ridden.
its payback time.
if no kids,check your neighbors back yard,its a safe bet he got shanghied into it at christmas as well.

you are looking for the common bike brake known s a V brake system.
see picture...they made a billion of em..
reach down,cut wire.
pull other end of wire out of the curved piece shown in pics and Keep the Curved aluminum piece in your hand its 3 pieces and the short barrel end Will fall off so dont drop any of it or youll be looking for 20 mins in the tall grass and wishing you had a beer...
now take the entire rear Derailer cable line off,you dont need the housing/black part,just the wire,bring the magic tool into play again and cut the line just before it hit that locking bolt wayyy back there at the derailer.
you may need a screwdriver to pry the housing apart for the other end of derailer cable at shifter.
dissect as necessary...

at this point you should be standing there,with a Very long wire for your throttle/twist grip in one hand and a curved piece/its still in your hand rightttttt?
now pick up the wire cutters you laid down and forgot about in the tall grass and go back to your Warrior.
use That curved piece at the end where it goes into the throttle linkage on top of motor
use the new* shifter cable you liberated and replace your old twist grip cable wire but keep the outer housing stock unless its bent or cracked.
Lube it All as you put the new line in.

see pictures.

now pull the cable thru the locknut,hold the end with needlenose pliers,and start the bike....make sure you Set the idle where you want it before final tighten.
recheck the throttle at least twice,we adjusted it 3 times before finding the perfect spot.
tighten the set screw again,so the cable doesnt pull back thru just in case you forgot and got all giddy from the beer.:innocent:

now ride your warrior and notice how smooth the throttle will be.
response is way way better.
hope this helps,cheers

heres a tip for the sparkplug wire too
these caps that go on the sparkplug are plastic..urgh,and can come apart easily and they have a tiny spring,electrode,and pos pushon retainer inside that plastic boot.
all ever so easy to lose on a trail ride..dont ask me how i know this...

check the pics youll see i did a double rig with zipties to ensure the plug wire only comes off when i want it to.
just another thought for us warrior owners.

heres the pics
