Barn find tour !!

The gold might have to be sifted through. Remember the accessories are where the money is. A few of the "kelch?" Fuel gauge type gas caps and some of the right Tecumseh mufflers may be worth more than all the big bulky items you may see.. Good luck and don't be in a hurry. A) you might miss something B) the guy seems to like having you there.
we had alot of fun today walking around and talking !! he said his boys just are not into it ! but he was working on his green houses and i didnt want to eat up his nice weather day by stopping him from working :(

but he said i am welcome back anytime i brought my golden key with me today my lil girl she can win over any heart . he told her all about the barn we were in today . and showed us the wooden pegs it was constructed with in 1904 and that baby is still standing today . and it laughs at high winds . and she listened to every word he had to say . i enjoyed it . and he wants that Fire Truck gone . so I will get it outta there for him . we have whats needed to move it
Id buy that homelight gen tecumseh. The side popper. The other one is a verticle motor I think.
the engine is stuck on the generator . let me know what you would offer on it . i can ship it to you way of Fastenal Shipping its WAY cheeper than UPS . thats the only way i will ship a gokart or minibike .............