big block warrior build

quick question,can you lay a tape measure across your motor W torque vertor on it and tell me what the width is?
preferably With the cover,if you are using one...:thumbsup:

and,what is a 420 in terms of Torque produce?
those belt clutches can handle that?
Ready for this......from edge of pullstart cover to the tip of the crank bolt on the converter is 17 1/4" !!!! She's wide! That's with the converter fully seated on the crank. I may have to space it out a 1/4 or so to line up with the driven pulley, if I push the driven pulley in , it'll hit the head so it'll be the driver that has to move out.

Stock 420 is rated at 18.5 ft/lbs. I'm hoping the 40 series holds up to it
Haha! Nice. So how's it run? What gearing are you using and what mph is it getting you?
That's only a 270cc engine. I can't quite remember my jackshaft gear size. I'll have to count later. I also haven't had an open stretch to really get an accurate top speed. The street I live on has a lot of stop signs, and until now I've only had rear brakes, so it takes me a long time to stop, but I used GPS on my phone, and I got up to 46 before I chickened out, but it was still accelerating.

Got it running yesterday! Still needs a throttle setup, brakes, a fuel tank, and a different header. I shot it down the driveway once with a tank between my legs and a finger on the linkage....then I decided not to visit the hospital

The plate worked great. I've gotta trim it a little to clear a bump in the fan cover.o took the bike for a quick ride. Acceleration was great with the current gearing (14 tooth on jackshaft and stock rear sprocket). I hit 47 mph and was still climbing when I broke something

When I put everything together, I could feel some wobble in the shaft. I think it was a combination of cheap bearings and both bearings being inside the framerails while both the pulley and sprocket hung off opposite ends of the shaft.