I answered a craiglist ad for 'Vintage mini bike'. It listed as a mini bike sold by Sears. It back end looked like a bonanza but the front did not. I found out why when I took a closer look. The foot pegs have been throwing me off on if they are actually stock. I can't find any pictures that show them up front on this model. Anyways, they had some older engines, a Suzuki 90 with balloon tires (passed on), old huge gold color 8 hp Briggs (passed on), and a MTD or fox with a clamped on hs40 (passed on). He said it was an Evil Knevil mini bike and was the crem de le crem. I wasn't even going to ask his price. I walked away with:
1. 1/3 Bonanza BC something with a 'craftsman special' engine. This will be a pure rider. $100.
2. 3 briggs - $10 each. Old Briggs has nice compression, Red has none, Black has good.
3. Gas tank $4
4. Sno Runner seat - free, he just gave it to me.
5. Sissy bar back - free, yup, just gave it to me.
6. Kohler engine and steel wheels of a rototiller (different place) $5
Can anyone id the old sissy bar back? Is it off a bicycle or minibike? It looks all original. All together $139 plus gas and toll.
1. 1/3 Bonanza BC something with a 'craftsman special' engine. This will be a pure rider. $100.
2. 3 briggs - $10 each. Old Briggs has nice compression, Red has none, Black has good.
3. Gas tank $4
4. Sno Runner seat - free, he just gave it to me.
5. Sissy bar back - free, yup, just gave it to me.
6. Kohler engine and steel wheels of a rototiller (different place) $5
Can anyone id the old sissy bar back? Is it off a bicycle or minibike? It looks all original. All together $139 plus gas and toll.