Brand new HF 6.5 not starting, help!

We did the engine cut out mod and my son swears he got it right. Not one fire. I pulled the plug and tried to see a spark with a few pulls it sparked a few times then quit. If we waited a couple of minutes We could get a couple of spark then nothing.

If I pull the plug from the cord then put it bakc in I can get 2-3 sparks then nothing. Repull/reinseret 2 sparks then nothing.
is the oil full? Mine did the same thing. turns out it was the low oil sensor, even though it was full.
I disabled the sensor and it fired right up. open the little black plastic wire keeper on the front of the engine by the switch. theres like 3 wires in it. disconnect the yellow wire then try it.:smile:
what is the engine cut out mod? are you talking about the low oil sensor?

i'd make sure that the one wire going to the coil (not the ground) didn't get damaged and start grounding out. there's not too much to mess up there.