Brand new predator w/ casting marks on dome?

Just started tearing down my brand new 212 predator to install some go fast parts. Upon inspection of the cyl head I found what looks like about six or seven cracks in the dome. They r visible with the naked eye and u can feel them by running a finger nail across them. A little closer look with a magnified eye piece and now I can't tell if they r cracks or witness lines / flaws from the casting process. They all start at the very edge of the dome and extend to the valves or spark plug hole. Funny thing is they don't continue out to the flat surface area or down the plug hole or valve (pockets ?) just appear to be on the roof of the dome surface. Anybody seen this?

I tried to take some pics but my camera can't pick up what I'm describing.

Gonna put a polishing head on the dremmel tonight and see if they will buff out I guess.?.?.?
So I've tried to buff them out and can still see them. Anybody know the proper way to check this head or know of someone in the Flint, brighton, Ann Arbor areas of michigan who can test/check it for me?:shrug:
That's one of six but they all look the same. Didn't buy the warranty from HF as I knew I'd be moding, but this thing has not seen gas. Anybody have any luck trying to get them to replace something like this? I don't want to replace the whole motor as the gov is remove and my billet rod is already installed.
I'm with catfishman, I think I would put it back together :hammer: and stick it back in the box and.. return it. Tell them it won't run ! :shrug:
Thanks for the replies guys. OND do u think that's what I should tell them or tell them the head is cracked? Do ya think them knowing I've had my hands in it would be a deal breaker?
they should take it back within a certain time no questions asked, well they will ask, but you will have to pay 20 bucks probably for restocking, i have done it. i should have told them i would carry it back there and stock it myself.
No problem, just tell them that it will not start, they will let you trade it in on a new one. They won't try to start it, ...and I'm sure it won't be a big deal at all. Good luck on your next engine.
Just clean it up and put it back together so it looks clean and original.
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Should have bolted it back up and taken it back as soon as you saw that.

But odds are, the next one will be similar...

Casting sucks in China...
Quick and dirty crack test.

Clean casting well and then wet it with some mixed oil/gasoline.
Dry it with a rag and sprinkl foot powder on it.

If there is a real crack there some gasoline will seep back out and you will see a faint line where the suspected crack was.

This is not a perfect test, but its prety good for most cases to confirm a crack
Stangrcr1 I didn't pay that much attention to the head until I got the lower end done. I guess I assumed that being a new motor that it should be good. Now I know better. I also figured if these were casting flaws that others on the site would have seen the same type of thing. if they r cast in a die cast die. But I suppose they could be sand castings IDK :confused: I do have a high comp head from ARC i could use but the valve guide diameters r way to big for my valve stems. Guy at ARC said I have a 3rd generation 212. :shrug:supposed to have Bigger valve size with smaller diameter valve stems and auto motive style keepers. It has the but the business end of the valves match right up to the comp head. Again IDK :shrug: If Simone following this thread could measure the valve stem dia from a 69730 (older, non hemi) and post their numbers for me I could get the right valves for the high comp head and move on. Damn I hope all that makes sense:eek:ut: