HD, the fuel in the pulse line has nothing to do with the carb. The diaphragm may be leaking in the fuel pump, but the carb has no connection to the fuel pump pulse line! The pulse for the carb is internal and needs to correspond to the small hole in the manifold. The kart racers used a fuel pump to pull fuel from the front mounted tank to the carb. The Tilly's did not like that long of a pull.
My point was that fuel coming out of the pulse port means the diaphragm is passing fuel. That is why I asked about the Mikuni pump, as I was wondering if he was over-pressurizing the diaphragm with it and causing the fuel by pass, or he has a leak in the diaphragm.
Since he has the engine running, I assume the Mikuni pump is doing the pumping, not the carb. So what pop off pressure should he set for the Briggs on gasoline?
[MENTION=23480]madzx2[/MENTION] this is the throttle cable mount plate and Tilly throttle arm I was referring to. Not a Briggs, but the same application. [MENTION=31879]CarPlayLB[/MENTION] knows where to get these parts, if you don't have the tiller.
(photo is a clone Tilly, but same application)