That is a really nice V Twin! Judgeing by the size of the spring clamp holding it to the bench it's rather tiny.
I heard a couple of years ago that a supercharged V8 was being worked on. That is the first picture I've seen. Quite an engineering feat, not to mention building it!
Over the years I also have been guilty of wasting large amounts of time on miniature engines. One is currently in the building. A couple of hours at a time maybe once or so a month. In my case I build scale models of antique 'hit and miss' engines. Mosty models of which I have a full size engine. I don't make the raw castings. They are always purchased from someone that doesn't mind making patterns and fighting with 'modern' foundries that are rapidly regressing when it comes to skill and know-how but still want 3 times the money for poor work.
I went out to the machine shop and got the pictures of some engines that are on a shelf. All are 1/4 scale. All run on propane or gas. Almost all nuts and bolts are hand made. All springs are wound by hand. The green engine has an 'ignitor', not a spark plug. Ignitors have a set of points inside the combustion chaimber that, when flipped open, produce a spark. Some of the parts get very tiny and require magification to see what is going on while machining. I built the black motor more than a quarter century ago and did it without a milling machine.
All that is needed is a small lathe and, if possible a small mill. And some patience. My miniture machine shop is in a 10 X 12 room.