Coleman RT200 not running


Well-Known Member
...It feels like it’s just revving when I gas it. And it makes a bad sound I wish I could post a video of it because it will run for like 3 seconds and jump and have a really delayed response, but the idle is perfect so I’m thinking something is broken
Post your video to youtube, then link it here with the *chain icon* when you're writing a reply.

If you're revving it but it's not really moving, then it sounds like the clutch could be roasted. There's a lot of parts inside, usually several friction "shoes" in a circle with a coil spring loop holding them together.

With the engine off, you could remove the chain from the clutch and spin the clutch drum with your hand. It should spin freely and noiselessly on the end of the crankshaft. If it doesn't, that's probably the problem...



Well-Known Member
Well the engine sounds ok and the clutch is engaged. Do you have the chain off? If the long chain is on the bike and your back tire is on the ground then you have a jackshaft problem.

With the engine off are you able to spin the large sprocket on the jackshaft by hand?


Well-Known Member
Are you anywhere near Missoula?
If it were mine I would put a new max torque clutch on it and new bearings in the jackshaft. Those bikes get a lot of complaints about both. It may or may not be the cause of your problem but odds are you will have problems with both. Get a max torque clutch from a reputable dealer not a Amazon clutch and good bearings and make sure that the bearings have grease in them. Make sure you get the correct size clutch with the correct chain size. Your clutch and first sprocket need to be for the same size chain, and the clutch needs to fit the crank on the engine correct. Also don't over torque the bolt that holds the clutch on, I've seen plenty of them broken off in the crank. @Juanr
When you replaced the chain, how far did you ride it before you had this problem?
Is the rear chain on both sprockets? The jackshaft sprocket and the wheel sprocket.
I suspect your rear chain came off. See post #3.
If it were mine I would put a new max torque clutch on it and new bearings in the jackshaft. Those bikes get a lot of complaints about both. It may or may not be the cause of your problem but odds are you will have problems with both. Get a max torque clutch from a reputable dealer not an Amazon clutch and good bearings and make sure that the bearings have grease in them. Make sure you get the correct size clutch with the correct chain size. Your clutch and first sprocket need to be for the same size chain, and the clutch needs to fit the crank on the engine correct. Also don't over torque the bolt that holds the clutch on, I've seen plenty of them broken off in the crank. @Juanr
If it were mine I would put a new max torque clutch on it and new bearings in the jackshaft. Those bikes get a lot of complaints about both. It may or may not be the cause of your problem but odds are you will have problems with both. Get a max torque clutch from a reputable dealer not a Amazon clutch and good bearings and make sure that the bearings have grease in them. Make sure you get the correct size clutch with the correct chain size. Your clutch and first sprocket need to be for the same size chain, and the clutch needs to fit the crank on the engine correct. Also don't over torque the bolt that holds the clutch on, I've seen plenty of them broken off in the crank. @Juanr
Im near Bozeman. Ok I think I might try this route cuz the chains are on fine and they’re even spinning fine so it’s not them. It just feels like something is not engaging and when I first had this problem when riding it that’s what it felt like, something disengaging and not being able to catch again if that makes sense


Well-Known Member
Im near Bozeman. Ok I think I might try this route cuz the chains are on fine and they’re even spinning fine so it’s not them. It just feels like something is not engaging and when I first had this problem when riding it that’s what it felt like, something disengaging and not being able to catch again if that makes sense
Have you checked that all the set screws and keys are in place and intact. You could have a sproket on the jackshaft that is spinning on the shaft and not driving the shaft.
Remove both chains. See if the SPROCKETS can turn on the shaft.

The sprockets should be locked to the shaft with a key and a set screw.
A key is a little square piece of metal similar to a piece of shredded cheese. It should be in a slot in the shaft and a slot in the pulley.
A set screw is a little threaded bolt in the sprocket that holds the key in place.
Remove both chains. See if the SPROCKETS can turn on the shaft.

The sprockets should be locked to the shaft with a key and a set screw.
A key is a little square piece of metal similar to a piece of shredded cheese. It should be in a slot in the shaft and a slot in the pulley.
A set screw is a little threaded bolt in the sprocket that holds the key in place.
View attachment 312842
Ok cool thank you as well for the diagram. Do you think if this isn’t the problem it will most likely be the choke?
Not likely. I'm not sure I totally understand your description of the problem, but I think you are saying it does rev up and does not move.
That does not sound like a choke problem. If choke sticks "ON", the engine runs rough, smokes and usually just dies after it warms up.

Where are you located? Maybe one of us is close enough to look at it.
Not likely. I'm not sure I totally understand your description of the problem, but I think you are saying it does rev up and does not move.
That does not sound like a choke problem. If choke sticks "ON", the engine runs rough, smokes and usually just dies after it warms up.

Where are you located? Maybe one of us is close enough to look at it.
I’m located in Bozeman MT. Yea it’s hard to describe. The engine runs perfectly like it starts right up with the choke open and then I close it like I normally would to drive and still it runs great when I give it gas and revs up. Both chains are on front one spins, but the back one doesn’t spin. Just no movement from the bike or rear tire. When it first stopped running I was riding it down a street and it was a really chunky sort of sound that made the bike kinda jump a little and then it stopped moving even though I could still rev it. It felt like something either slipped/broke in maybe the drivetrain but again I’m pretty new to working on these and really don’t have the budget to be taking it to a repair shop as I’m a broke ass college kid.
I'm going with what the guys have already mentioned. Sprocket spinning on the Jack shaft.

Move things around without turning on the engine. Spin the rear wheel by hand and observe the sprockets. Even moving the sprockets by hand can tell you if something is loose.
Ok thank you I’m going to try this out tn
Ik it’s dirty I’m gonna clean it all up, but I’m guessing my set screw should probably be the whole length of that groove…