crankcase pressure issue!!!!

i bought a bsp clone and my crankcase. Pressure is blowing oil out of the valve cover into the pulse line which is drilled correct. Also into catchcan. Normal??? Please help. Should i drill. A hole in fill cap or how do i make a pulse fitting for that? Do i go from pulse to fuel pump. Blowoff hole to catchcan and then into fill cap? Or blowoff hole to fill cap? Would redrilling oil drain holes bigger help? If so how big? Should i check my headgasket??? Plz help
You guys are alot of help lol lmmfao
Not a good way to get help "laughing your mother fuc@ing azz off"

All 5 posts are in one thread. You are disrepecting members and this website laughing at us in 3 hours of first post.

Run it until there is no more oil coming out. Problem solved.
post pics of your set up and what you have goin on..that will allow people to see what you have now...and how it can be improved or if you have something incorrect. And most of us work during the patience is key if you are asking help. Because most of us dont get on here till later afternoon to evening.
love it:laugh: you came up with some good ideals your self with thehead gasket. lost me with the side cover gasket. really lost me with the childish comments. btw why do you run a fuel pump on a mini bike?
I dont even get what the question is :laugh:
having the side cover bolts too tight will not do anything except maybe grab the crankshaft and keep it from moving freely
clones are suppose to shoot oil out from valve cover
How much oil are you running? Either stand the front of the bike up till the engine is level or measure what's in it by draining all of it. Should have about 14 oz. total.