Doodlebug in Progress

That's not a doodlebug, but it is cool looking.

Buckeye, that's not 11hp. Motors are rated in pounds of torque, or centi-pounds of weight, or the PMS color of the paint on the shroud, anything but HP anymore after the lawsuits.
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Yeah Buckeye, what "Dave in Florida" said. I'm not sure what the foot torque is equal to in horse power.

@Dave in Florida, do you know what it is then? I was told it was a Doodlebug, but I have had my reservations about if it really was. Someone said Taco Bike, another said a Rupp. I don't know, they all look the same to me.

Thanks for the comments :) I just got done putting an exhaust extension on it, and plan to wrap it in exhaust tape so my butt or seat don't get roasted like a hot dog.

I just took it out and was going between 50 - 60mph I would guess. I jave to get a gauge so I can see for sure.

It sure feels like 50-60mph when your on it Ikno:scooter: But more likely 30-40, with the governor that is:devil2: Still fast enuff for such lil tires:thumbsup:


New Member
I would, however, like any suggestions from Mini peeps on how I can improve on my sweet "Beastella" What metalhead said. go get some steel strips or something and bend up a mount for that tank, get some wire and connectors and move the kill switch to the right handlebar so you can shut it down. Get some foot pegs. All that rigging is going to bite you sooner or later:thumbsup: