Engine Scoop Idea

ya the green filters tecs used them too , i had just seen the briggs one in the local hardware and some of them are good size . but what ever ya find would work hell even pot scrubbers (green sos pads) would work if you stacked enough of them and oiled them .
on you hose issue go to napa car quest any auto parts store and get 7/8 heater hose . there is also formed ones with bends in them so you could look at them and fin what you want .
im not seeing how you plan to hold the butterfly shaft in ? you going in the housing or your face plate ? what i would do is make the face with 2 or 3 blocks to hold the shaft and have screws to hold it in to the body . then make the body out of 1 piece if possible and weld or rivet screw it on the underside .
also i would look at thicker then .025 of the body . to me that seems way too thin . i would think it would fold like a beer can . but maybe im wrong .
ill look and see just what i have for alum stock . and let you know what i have left :thumbsup:
I was thinking just carve out space for a hole in the middle of the shell, put'r down in there and use the snap ring to hold it in.. but your idea sounds better.

for the body I was just gonna weld the two halves together (of course not with the 0.25 gauge, that would fail :doah:) so I think I see what your saying with the two face's. how small do U bolts get? I could have some of those in the back of 1 faceplate and still do the snap ring at the bottom outside the shell.

also do you think the plates only being .01 smaller than the holes gives it enough room to move. I mean carburetor plates are really tight in there, but I dont know how much smaller it is. :shrug:
sorry its taking me so long guys, unfortunately I dont have the money for metal to work with. crossing my fingers I get the job at publix.

Im gonna print out and test my new drawing and make sure its alright, I have some plastic laying around I think. so if the dimensions are good maybe ill hot glue a nicer mockup :facepalm: :lol:

EDIT: my frickin faceplate refuses to print in correct scale. I set the viewport as 1:1 and print it in 1:1 scale.. but it comes out way bigger... any autocad guys here know why? my shell prints out in perfect scale, but for what ever reason my faceplate wont do the same.
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New Member
Zoom extents. Could be a node or a speck you can't see...it will be at the edge, erase it. might have a layer frozen..sometimes that can screw up a print. Un freeze and see what that does
Mr.GhettoRig if you can figure out what you need or want ill see if i can get it for ya . i do have some plate from a scooter and some sheet . the plate may work for your front the sheet is kinda thin tho .
hummm ... i may still have some 3/16 ? left i will have to dig down in the pile and see . if i do its some nice stuff . it should shine up real nice maybe even mirror if you have a buffer .
i also have some tube about 1/8 wall or so its like 4 inch across .could try and flaten it out and use that for the body . :shrug:
that tube sounds like a great idea. seems like it would be a little tougher to cut right though, my original plan was to stick some metal sheets in the CNC machine at school. but I could make it work.

the metal your talking about for the face, I dont really care how thin it is just as long as it doesnt bend too easily.

as for the drawing Im having issues getting the body to act right, the taper is making it really difficult, either it covers too much of the pipe or too little or the faceplate dont fit right.

I was thinking, for the pipe side. on the shell it would need to be 1+1/2 the width of the pipe to be able to wrap around it. and then the faceplate it was the total length from the middle+double the radius of the arc, since both ends are circles.. but I cant seem to get them to line up all in one.

TomH the problem was I drew it differently than I had thought, the circles were a bigger diameter than the originals i wanted to use.. I never measure the thickness till now :doah:

time to redraw.. again..
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YES! I did it finally.. i decided to cut out the faceplate, wrap some paper around it and figure out what i was missing, turns out those arcs are 1.5" not 1", I did the same thing with the pipe side and it SHOULD all fit together this time. Ill print and let ya know.. if it fits ill figure out what metal I need :thumbsup:
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well when it comes to the drawing it on the computer dont look at me man . i never got in to that kind of stuff at all . and the last time i touched a cnc machine was um ........ 1996?
80286 computers were still a usable machine and if you had a 80586 that was a hot fast computer . :doah:

ill do some digging later and see what i find . :hammer::grind:
the new- less ghetto mockup is done. this one isn't randomly cut, its cut by the exact dimensions of my working drawing. the cardboard was nicer to me this time too :shifty:

yes I know I need a new camera :doah:

but anyway it looks like im good to go :thumbsup:

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thanks. hopefully it will be made from metal before long.

metal man, Im still not sure what I need. I think ill just work with that you got.

but basically, I need a 1" long 7/8 OD pipe, some thin sheeting that can be bent by hand but doesn't bend like paper, and for the faceplate something relatively thin that doesn't bend. :shrug:

I can get the rod, snap rings, and U bolts at home cheapo :thumbsup:
Mr.GhettoRig i have been digging in the pile and have a few pieces that may work for ya . i think i have some tube that size too , cutting it could be fun tho .... maybe just hack off a longer chunk and you deal with cutting it nice .
what i do need to know tho is how big of chunks do you need for this ?
so i can figure out if the plate i set a side for ya will work and what kind of packing box ill need to get it sent out to ya .
Mr.GhettoRig i have been digging in the pile and have a few pieces that may work for ya . i think i have some tube that size too , cutting it could be fun tho .... maybe just hack off a longer chunk and you deal with cutting it nice .
what i do need to know tho is how big of chunks do you need for this ?
so i can figure out if the plate i set a side for ya will work and what kind of packing box ill need to get it sent out to ya .
hmm... well lets look at my dimensions again, I wanna only make a concept one first and keep shipping low (ill cover that). so lets see.

for the pipe, yeah just give me another inch or so to work with and I can do it.

for the face - OH! by the way I was thinking, the faceplate should be a little thicker than the metal im gonna use for the plates. so if the metal for the face is thicker than whats being used for the body, then ill just add on a little more to the shell chunk.

okay so.
  • 1"-2 1/2" pipe is fine.
  • for the face metal (my dimensions are 2"x3.75") so I'd say 2.5"x4.25" would be fine.
  • for the shell (my dimensions for the shell are 6"x5.25" and for the plates 1.49" Dia.) and I need double, plus the plates. so 15.5"x11.5" would be great. Or just random pieces of the same material that fit the dimensions if you don't have a sheet that big.

oh and thanks for looking out for me :thumbsup:
woah woah woah! my grampa just gave me an idea. so I'm gonna try this first.

1. lazer cut the templates (the current mock up is traced and not perfect)
2. remake it, and be nicer with the tape.
3. bring the mockup to a boat place and have them make the body, face, and maybe even pipe all in once piece from fiberglass. the benefits are that it will look nicer, and will hold up better. my current design requires me having to drill where the rod has to go in, and there's a possibility it will split. AND if anyone else wanted one I could just have the boat place make a couple more for me. also metal man, you get to keep your metal.

So im gonna try that first, see how it turns out. if it fails, ill be back to begging :deal: thanks anyway though.
also metal man, you get to keep your metal.
So im gonna try that first, see how it turns out. if it fails, ill be back to begging thanks anyway though.

ok what ever ya want to do :thumbsup: ill keep the stuff set a side for ya any way , im betting youll be back after ya hear the price from the boat shop .
also metal man, you get to keep your metal.
So im gonna try that first, see how it turns out. if it fails, ill be back to begging thanks anyway though.

ok what ever ya want to do :thumbsup: ill keep the stuff set a side for ya any way , im betting youll be back after ya hear the price from the boat shop .
Im hoping its not outrageous. but if it is, you can bet ill be back :thumbsup:
yeah, fiberglass is expensive, back to the metal. I just dont know how im supposed to stick the parts together. unless the metal can be welded. :shrug: its gotta be strong though to deal with vibration.

but if you havent guessed, im back to the idea of metal :rolleyes:
i figured you be back :laugh:
well on how to put the parts together you could bolt it , pop rivet it , weld it , solder it , or even use the alumaweld stuff from harbor freight .
the aluma weld stuff works better on cast stuff tho . on drawn the heat will anneal the metal making it a bit soft .
it kinda falls down to what do you have available .
i figured you be back :laugh:
well on how to put the parts together you could bolt it , pop rivet it , weld it , solder it , or even use the alumaweld stuff from harbor freight .
the aluma weld stuff works better on cast stuff tho . on drawn the heat will anneal the metal making it a bit soft .
it kinda falls down to what do you have available .
yeah im sure i can find something, ill probably end up soldering it since thats something i have available, im just hoping it'll stand up to vibration. we shall see I guess. :scooter: