Help for Buckeyes daughter


Scamming Member
Hey all,
I wanted to try and help Buckeyes daughter Olivia in some small way. For those who are not familiar with whats going on with Buckeyes daughter, please read the link below. Forum - Powered by vBulletin

Going through the problems I have had since Oct, the OldMiniBikes family has been there for me in many different ways. When Buckeye heard my son Joe passed away, he was one of the first people to step up to help in any way he could. Before long I had just about everyone on OldMiniBikes doing anything they could to help.

I would now like to ask you all what you think about starting a small fund raiser to help Buckeyes daughter Olivia. Even if it's just to go out on the town for an evening. Dinner and a movie with family ect :shrug: I know first hand how much this can help take your mind off things, even if only for a few short hours.

If I know you all like I think I do, I hope each of you will help me get this started. I know times are hard for many of us, but even couple dollar donations add up quickly when you have as many kind hearted members as we do here. I have no income myself but I'm still going to help.

I will start the ball rolling with a $10.00 donation .I wish it could be much more Tom, and I know your going to be pissed that I did this but :thefinger:

I'm not sure yet how we should do this, but I'm thinking we ask anyone wishing to donate to PM Buckeye for his Paypal address or his mailing address for checks :shrug:

Love ya brother :thumbsup:

Perhaps we could make this a sticky for a week or two?? What do think Hent:shrug:
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count me in.......i like ole buckeye even if he does collect kitties........and i would like to support him in this scarey time......i will keep watching for further info....


Scamming Member
Great start guys :thumbsup: I knew you wouldn't let me down :thumbsup:

And remember people as my wife Jennie says, if you give with a good heart it comes back to you twice fold :wink:
I have a little on my account. If someone would be so kind as to PM his info, I would be glad to donate what's there.
Thanks in advance, Pat


Well-Known Member
Man Vic, you know how to choke some folks up.
While setting in the Oncologist office I showed this to OEG.
She got choked up and tears began to flow. She's a little emotional, as would be expected. But she is doing her best to be a tough girl that she has always been.
She said,"No, these are strangers". Just overwhelming.
She appreciates the thoughts and prayers comimg her way.
Further tests next week and she, we, will tackle this head on with the strength that is given from above.

hey tom.......i just want to tell you how lucky your daughter is to have you....i lost my dad six years ago this summer to horrible cancer and miss him terribly.......she is very lucky to have a father to support her in this rough time......the two of you will do just fine...........cause you have each other..
Hey Vic...thank you for starting this. You are a good man.

Count me in please, could someone PM me Buckeye's paypal info ?

Olivia, and Tom, we are thinking about you and praying for you.
Come on guys. This is just too much.
no it is not buckeye .
not when you think what you do for us .
when i cut my hand up you helped me understand what was going on . you have helped others . i cant count how many times you have done or said something on here that made me laugh .

now your needing help .

and you will get the help we can send you . so now sit down and just let us help you as best as we can MY FRIEND :thumbsup: