Hemi predator

Just stopped by HF to pick up a predator for the sabre and all they had were hemi predators. Stacks do them every where. I couldn't get a non hemi if I wanted to. Now I just have to finish up this service call so I can go home and strip it down and add some goodies.
P.s. Stupid people. Some guy tried to removed a broken light bulb socket from a hot food bar with needle nose pliers. He didn't turn it off. :scared::eek:ut::doah:
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The Hemi Predator. It's the stuff legends are made from. :laugh: I saw Bigfoot riding a minibike that had a Hemi Predator....

Might be why I own a few of them. :thumbsup:
Chad- the reading store. They had 2 stacks of 3 outside and like 4 stacks of 3 upfront inside. And 4 motors out of the box sale outside on a table. Just the $99 sale.

Eric- I have a hemi on my db30 and 3-4 regular predators hanging around waiting for projects.
Nice! whatcha putting in it? I'm working on one as we speak. Waiting on the OldMiniBikes goods coming Monday.
Have you messed with the hemi's before?
This ones going on my lil Indian sabre build off bike. Actually just took the pic to post.
Never messed with the hemi before. Just unboxed one and put it on my db30. Oh and put a header on it.
This ones getting header airfilter jet and remote tank. OldMiniBikes is only a 45-1hr drive for me so I kinda just stop by from time to time and pick up stuff I tend not to need at the moment. Lol. I bought the air filter kit I'm putting on it months ago.