How much is a1972 650 Moto-Skeeter worth?

How much is a1972 650 Moto-Skeeter worth? I wanna find out if it is worth some money before i start cutting it to peices to make a kustom. It is complete, the only thing wrong with it is that the one shock is bent.
Being that that mini bike was Canadian made would be best left like it is. And if you want to trade to get something less sought after to chop up, put up a few pictures and then people can see what you have and perhaps give you better guidance.
Steve :scooter:
Yeah, like TT said.. Theres no appraisals here because they market and areas can vary wildly from one time in place to another.. So, as to not get someone bent out of shape, there is no appraising.. But what I will tell you is the Motoskeeter IS one of the better bikes to have.. They are real nice machines and people like them, kinda hard to come by, and if it is in any kind of decent condition.. It is DEFINITELY WORTH not destroying it.. :thumbsup:
It's likely worth what you paid for it. Do the research and you can get a general idea but Ebay is the true test, Always put a reserve that you can live with or accept the loss if you dont. One thing for sure is it's worth too much to cut up, the price it would likely bring would buy a fleet of chinese or even Azusa frames ripe for mods and even an engine maybe two. In other words they bring good money and it makes no sense to cut up a vintage minibike when inexpensive non collectable are widely available.:thumbsup: