
How many OldMiniBikes members are Lefties?
I'm a contract Numerical Control Programmer and probably 70% of my peers are left handed, as am I. I distinctly remember the Catholic nuns tying my left hand to the desk during writing class. It didn't work, but I blame them to this day for my being weird.
IMO, left handed people are some of the most creative people I know.
Even this little guy is left handed! :thumbsup:
count me in, lefty goes back 6 generations of men in my family, you can tell cause alll of our signatures look like they were half assed erased
Myself and my youngest Daughter are left handed. Teachers tried to "correct" it but it never worked. I am ambidextrous for the most part now and was a hell of a baseball player. They say lefties have higher I.Q.s for the most part.:thumbsup:

MiniBike Paul

Well-Known Member
How many OldMiniBikes members are Lefties?

It didn't work, but I blame them to this day for my being weird.

IMO, left handed people are some of the most creative people I know.
Even this little guy is left handed! :thumbsup:

Hey O.A. - I'm left handed also!!

Count your blessings Dzlbike, and thank God it was not the Priests who made you wierd!
Friend of mine is left handed, said the rifle he got was like $600 because it was left handed. The right handed one was like $400...

I think I can manage shootin a right handed rifle... geez.
I am also left handed . but I shoot a rifle right handed and that's about it.
I shoot right handed also, as I'm right eye dominant.

To find out which is your dominant eye, pick a stationary object at a distance and extend your arm out toward it. Put your thumb right under the object, now close one eye, doesn't matter which one. If the object and your thumb stay aligned, that open eye is the dominant one. Try it again, but this time close the other eye, the object should appear to have moved away from your thumb.:thumbsup:
If not, go ask your parents if they are, by chance, blood related.:shrug::laugh: