Needing to raise money and will be selling most everything.

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What a F'n day this has been. By tomorrow I'll probably be over it. Nothing more to be done anyway (but just in case you're reading this Vic, PayPal is coming for you in 10 days and the credit card collectors are next, so pay up!).

What's funny is that my donation was the first minibike expense my wife was actually SUPPORTIVE of. Now she'll probably just go back to complaining about how I spend too much money on them. :laugh:

I will continue to help people in the future, but it's never going feel as good as it used to. I'll always be second guessing if I was getting screwed. What's clear is there are a lot of good, kind, HONEST people here. That's what I choose to focus on. humanity lessons needed, remember the ones who are mad here are the ones who aided their fellow man. We're all just pissed that we fell for this and some people really got burned. Your just adding fuel to the fire.

Bikerscum...he didn't evolve, he conformed! Walking along with all the other sheeple saying "Oh well, we learned a lesson let's move on.
I know the world is hahahahaed up.
But secretly I don;t want to believe it is so hahahahaed up beyond my own hahahahaed up nature to rise above it.

At some point I will be comfortable letting it all go to hell but not today...
I am not sure thats counter productive.

Or maybe it is.
I can't be sure.

But I know the day I give up will be a bad day.
Because I really have nothing to loose.

Ah reality check.
I was sitting here reading this back and Mrs. NOS is snoring in the bed room.
And Jr is sleeping in bed down the hall.
Ya that is probably what keeps me in check.
my own personal responsibility.

But i think thats all thats left.
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I know the world is hahahahaed up.
But secretly I don;t want to believe it is so hahahahaed up beyond my own hahahahaed up nature to rise above it.

At some point I will be comfortable letting it all go to hell but not today...
I am not sure thats counter productive.

Or maybe it is.
I can't be sure.

But I know the day I give up will be a bad day.
Because I really have nothing to loose.

Ah reality check.
I was sitting here reading this back and Mrs. NOS is snoring in the bed room.
And Jr is sleeping in bed down the hall.
Ya that is probably what keeps me in check.
my own personal responsibility.

But i think thats all thats left.

Dude, whatever it is you're smoking, you need to lay off it.

:facepalm: :devil2: :detective: :cursing: all the signs were there . :blink: its a OldMiniBikes conspiracy .... :shrug: less reading more mini bike riding !!!! :eek:ut: :doah:
Do you want to talk about being born near the bottom? You really want to bring personal hardships into this one?

I'll put it this way, when I was little, one or two cheap ass Oscar mayer hotdogs was a BIG treat. Like, that was a once a month thing. To myself & my sisters, that was pretty much a trip to Disney World. That's how bad off we were.

Wanna keep going on the "born at the bottom" & less fortunate stories? I lived it for 11yrs. of my life. I'm not out sucking off of everyone else, I went out & MADE something of myself. I didn't become a parasite on society.

And there are a million stories like this one in the Naked City .

Trust me your not the only one with a sad story in their childhood:thumbsup:

Even thought you don't want him to , NOS has a right to his own opinion on this whether or not you agree and you should be adult enough to respect it
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For those who were burned, I am sorry. For those who were burned, and who were suddenly faced with the realization that con men exist, that evil can exist even here, you have my utmost sympathies.

This practice of giving away money here for causes has been a private topic of conversation among many of us. People do like to help, but they tend to help those who speak the loudest, or speak the most, while alienating the many.

With the thousands of members here over the years, how many statistically have lost someone dear? Lost jobs, lost their health? Why aren't they getting the cash gifts, the free bikes? Because they're too proud to announce their woes to the rest of the world? Too private? So we don't see them, or hear them. Because their "post count" is so low, they might as well be invisible. Or maybe they're just not popular, or part of the clique.

I'd like to remind you that Old Timer Vic never publically asked for his free mini bike, or the money some of us sent. In fact he even started a thread asking for money for another OldMiniBikes member.

NOS speaks to "personal responsibility" yet he's a "douche" or "smoking something." I have to disagree. I happen to think personal responsibility is part of what makes a man. Not the smiley faces and the warm fuzzy stories on an internet web site.

Public affirmations of philanthropic gestures take away from the magnanimity of those gestures. I would suggest in the future that any "gifts" be handled privately.

For those who have quietly and privately supported those in need, I salute you. Your names will never be in lights, but you've done the right thing.
I too agree with Toomanytoys, well said Dave. Waking this morning and thinking about where this thread has gone overnight, I also think like Itype2slo, he is here lurking as a non commenting member, just to see the ruckus he created. Time to move on.
It's all very upsetting but always remember in the end... You get what you give!
This site has some of the nicest, kind hearted, good natured and caring people I have ever come to know AND TRUST! No matter what has happened I'm honored to call you all my friends!!


New Member
One thing I know is this is a great place to vent. You my friends at OldMiniBikes have talked me down more than once on here and I thank you guys for it. All you that prayed, sent him money bikes and parts. You did the right thing he did the wrong and all of you should feel good about your selves. I'm a true believer in karma he will get his. So I say keep being the good folks you are don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch. :facepalm: That sounds so old fashion.
I got an email from Vic this morning. A response to my questioning his need for assistance while having just bought a giant new camper a few months ago, replacing an even bigger 40' luxury bus. Part of me wants to believe him, part of me just doesn't care anymore. Was the lynch mob premature or justified? Read and decide for yourselves. I'm kind of burned out on the whole thing.

" First of all, the camper was bought by my daughter and son inlaw. The pic of the stiches was a joke between me and buckeye. Dont worry youll get your money back . Just so you know you should do a little more research before opening your mouth to something you know nothing at all about. You have no idea what has gone on in my life over the last few years!!
Until you do.. I suggest you do your home work before talking abiut something you know NOTHING about !!

Your the one who should be ashamed !! "
I'd like to remind you that Old Timer Vic never publically asked for his free mini bike, or the money some of us sent. In fact he even started a thread asking for money for another OldMiniBikes member.
I have to disagree here.
This douche practically begged for donations without the words "give me money"
He would have mailed a self addressed stamped envelope faster than a New York minute to get cash and his paypal account mush have been smoking!

And "help start up a thread to raise money for another member"???
Con men need help, willing or unknowing! Buckeye was the logical choice since he is well loved here. Vic latched on to him faster than fast all without anyone suspecting anything.

We all have or problems, but I would never belittle myself or my family by posting avatars of me pushing around my mother in a wheelchair or another 1000 pictures of the same all over the web looking for sympathy, my pride would not allow that!

Yes, having his son die and be a quad is probably the worst, but seems to me that the worst part was Vic's cash cow died and easy money stopped coming in! Disgracing his memory is pretty low!

Just my opinion!
Seems like good ole Vic is back to elaborate?
I got an email from Vic this morning. A response to my questioning his need for assistance while having just bought a giant new camper a few months ago, replacing an even bigger 40' luxury bus. Part of me wants to believe him, part of me just doesn't care anymore. Was the lynch mob premature or justified? Read and decide for yourselves. I'm kind of burned out on the whole thing.

" First of all, the camper was bought by my daughter and son inlaw. The pic of the stiches was a joke between me and buckeye. Dont worry youll get your money back . Just so you know you should do a little more research before opening your mouth to something you know nothing at all about. You have no idea what has gone on in my life over the last few years!!
Until you do.. I suggest you do your home work before talking abiut something you know NOTHING about !!

Your the one who should be ashamed !! "
Maybe the could have gave him cash instead so he wouldnt beg on the internet
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