Hello Everyone.
There are plenty of people selling chinese junk mini bikes in New Zealand.
Plenty of old Honda Z50,s. My first bike in 1980 was and Indian mini trail bike. Gee I got fit pushing that thing.
Its a bit of laugh having the grips down there, it was probably used as an escape vehicle for a monkey from the zoo !!!
I live in the North Island about 150 Miles north of the capital.
We do not have many US mini bikes in NZ. If you want to have alook what is available goto trademe.co.nz and search for whatever you want. Its a live auction similar to ebay.
Heres a couple for sale.
dickson 1970 for sale - TradeMe.co.nz - New Zealand
home made 2007 for sale - TradeMe.co.nz - New Zealand
Thanks for your welcome. I will keep go posted with the progress. Regards zerozero