Begining in 1905, Popular Mechanics had a yearly publication called “Shop Notes”. It was a compilation of quick little one paragraph or one page mechanical tips, or tricks or “kinks” as they were once called. These books are very entertaining to read and even 100+ years later a lot of the information can still be applied to everyday mechanical problems.
Thought it would be fun to collect all the little Mini-Bike related "tricks of the trade" our members come up with and put them into one thread.
Try to limit them to quick tips…if it’s a lengthy tutorial start a new thread for are always nice.!! :thumbsup:
Thought it would be fun to collect all the little Mini-Bike related "tricks of the trade" our members come up with and put them into one thread.
Try to limit them to quick tips…if it’s a lengthy tutorial start a new thread for are always nice.!! :thumbsup: