painting plastic gas tanks??


Well-Known Member
Here's a video I just found on youtube. The guy isn't very technical as far as polymer science goes because he just refers to everything as "plastic". In reality, you only have to flame treat Polyethylene and Polypropylene but he explains what needs to be done to decorate them even if he doesn't know what kind of plastic he has. Other polymers have higher surface tensions and do not require flame treatment to be decorated.

The flamingos he is flame treating are probably HDPE but the process is the same for PP too.

Any other paint preparation technique you try to do to your gas tank other than flame treatment or plasma are not going to hold up nearly as good. This is really the only way to have paint stick to your HDPE or PP gas tank and last for any amount of time.

There are also other flame treatment video linked to this one to look at. I know you guys are probably going to want to buy some of those pink flamingos too.


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