Project Advise Needed (Kart)

I am about to wrap up my Honda FL250 restoration and will be looking for a kart to build. I don't want to waste anyone's time so I will just tell you...
Here is what I want to do...
Find a kart (superstore) where I can see what is available first,
Find a solid frame to work with,
Build more less a 60's looking kart for my son.

I have a new Comer 80 that has been on the shelve for quite some time and I would like to use it.

I have looked at frames in the area but they are all "dead axle"...
Should I go with "dead axle" before I know what can be purchased as far as transmission goes?


yes i agree with rockwell but if you want to be good at turning go with the dead axel offroding live axel other people may think other wise but thats how i do it. and it works