Rarest? Wee Willy Scooter

Power Products engine/ Techumseh/ Lauson Information as related to the Wee Willy

I was doing some research on the AH-51 power products engine. I was led to a book that is printed by intertec. It is called
Small Air Cooled Engines service manual which are less than 15 cubic inches. It has very detailed on over 25 manufactures of small air cooled engines both 2 and 4 stroke. It has a model breakdown on the power products engines that lists bore and stroke and size. The ah-51 is 5.1 cubic inches and 84cc.. This I did not know. I purchased a 1989 edition of this book and it goes back to the 40's on engines. The best part is I purchased it for .99 cents on amazon and paid 5 bucks to ship. It is 431 pages! Maybe it will help others locate parts or adjustments on older engines.