
  1. Scooter5.jpg


  2. Eliminator

    Here's one that if your into and collect Antique American Motorcycles, Rare Scooters, Mini Bike or Power Bikes you have very unlikely ever seen in per

    Here's one that if your into and collect Antique American Motorcycles, Rare Scooters, Mini Bike or Power Bikes you have very unlikely ever seen in person or at all... It is a 1947 era Comet model 805 Pick-Up Motor Scooter made in Minneapolis Minnesota. Comet never made many Motor scooters to...
  3. Cat Eye scooter tire.

    Cat Eye scooter tire.

    Cat Eye scooter tire.
  4. Cat Eye scooter tire.

    Cat Eye scooter tire.

    Cat Eye scooter tire.
  5. Cat Eye scooter tire.

    Cat Eye scooter tire.

    Cat Eye scooter tire.
  6. bremerman

    WTD Bremer mini scoot parts

    Interested in any Bremer Mini Scoot items you may have. Need kick stand, jackshaft bearing block, brochures. Thank you. :wink:
  7. aarron


    MID-OHIO CLASSIC SCOOTER and SWAP MEET @ PLAIN CITY, OHIO Vintage Scooter Meet will be held on May 17th thru May 20th 2017 at Pastime Park, Plain City, Ohio
  8. J

    Forall scooter belt guard

    Any know where to find a belt guard for a Forall scooter. I know its a longshot but thought i'd check. Thanks Ron
  9. H

    Mini Bike & Scooter Meet - May 13th 2017 - Bowers,PA

    Not my event. Use the contact info on the flyer. My replies from the last thread are still relevant and available. As well as the other member who posted. Thread was removed at his request.
  10. Eliminator

    Scooter and side car ??

    Got this photo today of this scooter and sidehack and trying to help a friend identify it....Thanks..
  11. Studeman68

    Cushman Scooter...

    Hmmmmm...:out: Tote Gote or Sidekick I'm thinkin...but I love the price.. CUSHMAN SCOOTER /FORK'S ETC... BEEN MODIFIED //FREE SHIPPING// | eBay
  12. AboveUpNorth

    Cushman scooter? Need help with identification please

    Ran across this for sale locally and I'm not certain what it is. Hopefully someone here can help me out on a brand and model.
  13. G

    What is this old trail scooter?
  14. jeep2003

    VESPA Scooter Scratch built by Jeep2003

    This bike will be a scooter looking like an old Vespa but smaller. Im using 4" wheels from an Arco. The engine is an old 2 stroke Tecumseh I think from a little snowblower. It runs good and seems powerful enough. I filed down the shaft to fit the 5/8" clutch. The old one was small with a big...
  15. K

    49cc razor scooter

    I am in the middle of putting a pocket bike engine into a razor vespa thing. But a guy on YouTube did this. And says the thing is slow because of the massive rear sprocket. I need help figuring out the right rear sprocket. The razor has a 12 inch wheel
  16. cruhr1

    Very cool but pricey folding scooter

    1961 Argyle Cub Folding scooter
  17. Eliminator

    Noresman Sportster S-66, Rocco Products Inc. Minnesota Info??

    Just picked up this antique mini bike, sorta scooter up off of local craigs last night.. I found out what it was on the U.S. scooter museum site and even found some original literature for them on evilbay. Anybody out there have one or ever seen one?? It has a contracting band brake...
  18. Motra

    US Scooter and Minibike Museum

    I received an email that said the US Scooter Museum website is going away. That'll be a sad loss.
  19. J

    one rare lil indian scooter

    not sure if in the right section. wondering if anybody else has seen one before?
  20. H

    Very old scooter design

    A friend sent me this photo. It doesn't appear home built, or if it was, it was a pretty good design job.