Hey, I know it's been a very long time (a couple years at least) since my last post here. I still have my square tube framed minibike, but it has unfortunately spent a good long while living in the shed, with the occasional ride around the yard to keep it running. It's been a busy/hectic past couple of years, and since I am no longer working 2 jobs, I hope to get back to working on this, or at least have some fun tinkering with it.
In the spare time I had, I gained some experience tinkering with old lawn mower engines, weedwackers, a power washer or two, just to keep up some skill.
I don't have any pics to add at the moment, but I did manage to locate a 3 quart Briggs fuel tank in the beginning of the spring at the local scrapyard. I am considering replacing the current pulsa-jet carburetor/1 quart fuel tank on the 3.5hp Briggs engine on my minibike, and swap it for the to the pulsa-jet carburetor/3 quart tank from the scrapyard. It came off a 5hp Briggs L-head, that I believe was connected to a larger rototiller. If it works, it'd be nice to be able to ride for a bit more extended period of time without needing to refill the fuel tank.
First things first, I need to clean the carburetor, and find out what adjustments I need to make to get it to run smoothly. I previously had modified with throttle linkage, (which was set to run at a set speed on a '78 Hechinger Rototiller), but the spring which runs from the throttle to governor somehow got loose, and when I reattached it (to where I thought it should be to the best of my memory), there is either too much play, and it won't rev up, or too much tension and it wants to start to rev up on it's own, which is disconcerting.
The throttle linkage from the carb/fuel tank that came from the 5hp in the scrapyard, has a slightly different setup. I am hoping to maybe use some of those parts to make the throttle work smoother.
Lastly, I would like to get a new rear sprocket, as the current one is warn. I am considering ordering a new one, but the bolt hole pattern is only 5 holes, rather than the more common 6 hole sprockets. I think I have pics from my pics page on here that show what I am talking about.
Here's to hoping to get my Square Tubed Minibike project back underway! *holds a cold Pepsi in the air* Cheers!
I will try to get some new pics posted asap.