I'm trying to get the original HS40 from my Trail Tramp running but I can't get it to do anything for the life of me. Back in the fall my dad and I tried to get it running for the first time. After adjusting the points it ran roughly for a little bit till it sheared the flywheel key because we didn't have the fly wheel bolted tight. I didn't have any extra keys so that was the end of that for the day. I got some new keys but just got around to trying to get the engine running again this weekend. For some reason we can't get it run at all. It has the original diaphragm carburetor. I rebuilt that back in the fall. We've had it apart and inspected several times to try and make sure everything is correct. We've blown air through all the ports. The plug is getting wet. The engine has spark. It seems adequate at worst when turning the flywheel over by hand. Back when we had it running in the fall we even had the twilight working off the lighting coil so I don't think the ignition is the issue. We confirmed timing is correct by pulling the head and making sure th coil was adjusted correctly at .035 before tdc. I did a leak down test tonight by putting air into the head via the spark plug hole. Air is not leaking any where. It only comes out of the valves at the appropriate times in the stroke and the flywheel is hard to turn over on the compression stroke. The piston and cylinder both look great from the top side. I also confirmed timing by pulling the head and turning the engine over by hand. It always sparks at the correct time. I pulled and reinstalled both valves. Both seem perfectly fine. The only thing I haven't done is open the crankcase. I haven't been able to get the clutch off yet but I don't knew what good that would do at this point anyways.
All of the to say is there something I'm missing or something I need to check? I can't figur this out and it's got me beyond frustrated.
All of the to say is there something I'm missing or something I need to check? I can't figur this out and it's got me beyond frustrated.